How we started
INSTA Technologies started its journey a decade back with a new outlook of Customer Care by delivering accurate services and technical solutions in various channels of industries like Chemical and Pharmaceuticals, Biomedical instrumentation and industrial automation etc.
The back bone of the company is a union of technically skilled few engineers with a wide experience in their relevant field for more than 20 years which brought a new concept of Instrument Services and Technical Assistance.
The inspiration to form such an organization is not only because of our confidence and commitment to execute our responsibilities, but also the intention to giving a helping hand to all those customers whom looking for technical solution for smooth running of their organization which should be cost effective and time saving. Customer of any sector may be benefitted by these engineer’s expertness to bring solution for their technical problems, because of the versality of our field work experiences.
Our Mission
Provide alternative service solutions, to reduce the cost and time delay to the customers. Technically upgrade the customers so that they will be capable to take care of their own instruments independently in future with out the help of any vendors.
Our Focus
Sharing technical solutions where we have scope to help peoples, whom facing problem due to lack of technical skills, and bring them in the same line of technological fast track.